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  • Writer's pictureOphelia Stähelin

If you want a mocha ...

Updated: Feb 28, 2020

... definitely come to Doppio in Battersea! This is the best mocha I have ever tried in my entire life! It's literally perfect. It's so good, that I am already having my second one since I have arrived in the shop. It's creamy, it's not too chocolaty and not to strong, it's just perfect.

I've been in this shop before, just before Christmas and always pass it in the mornings before I go to work. It's a nice space to catch up with friends, having lovely window seats, but you can also easily bring your laptop and work on one of the wooden tables. On top of that, if you are planning to open up your own coffee shop and need the huge coffee machine, just come to Doppio and select your machine. They even have a showroom and according to one sign also train baristas. My chance?

The selection of all the machines makes the shop look halfway like a storage of coffee machines, cups and beans, but it gives a nice atmosphere. You are literally in the world of coffee. Even better, I might have found the place where I can buy my reusable coffee cup - they have loads of different ones in all possible colors and shapes. You can also buy your own brewing machine in different sizes and providers, and I am sure you get a competent recommendation if you have any questions.

This shop is one of those ones, where you just have to go inside to find out what it actually is. As mentioned above, I pass by it all the time when I got to work and decide to take the bus. From the outside it does look like a coffee machine shop, so I had to go inside and find out about the available seats and possibility to drink some coffee's. And of course, to find out that they do the the best mocha in town.

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